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The Climate Prediction: hot and getting hotter; rain with floods
Climate change impacts everything, everywhere. It threatens to undo everything that conservation organizations like WWF have achieved over the last half-century. Both people and the natural world are feeling the effects, which are consequential and growing. Extreme weather impacts fragile ecosystems that people depend on for food and their livelihoods. And the age of extreme […]
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The Tiger that changed an entire village in India
A story inspired by the work of WWF-Sundarbans Programme and dedicated to the team and WWF-India (Names of people and animals have been changed and certain creative liberty has been undertaken to incorporate the collective experiences of different members of the team) ******************************************* Â Â Â Â Â Â Sudipto was awoken in the middle of the night by the […]
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Florence, the story of an eco-preneur
Meet Florence. She says she is around 70 years old, though she isn’t sure herself. Only a few teeth can be seen through her beaming smile and she says that means she must be old. I reckon she is much younger. Florence lives in the East African Rift Valley in the Highlands above Lake Naivasha, […]
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