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Why blue growth is a worthy investment
This week, I am one of some 500 delegates at the Global Ocean Action Summit for Food Security and Blue Growth. That’s a mouthful. But among all those words, one stands out: action. We are policymakers, investors and marine scientists; collectively, we have the power, resources and knowledge to restore ocean health. Now we must […]
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WWF-Australia is ‘walking the talk’ on sustainable office spaces
This article originally appeared on The CitySwitch Green Office program is making workspaces more environmentally friendly, including the WWF offices in Ultimo  GREEN office spaces are growing fast and they not only look good, but have a positive impact on workers. WWF in Ultimo has signed up to a City of Sydney led […]
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New water tool will help companies analyse water risks in supply chains
Beverage companies understand the value of water. Food companies, too, are pretty savvy about the fact that we use far more water to produce the food that we eat, than we actually drink. Why is the food and beverage sector ahead of others when it comes to understanding and mitigating water risk? Because they have […]
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