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Lucky #13
On the evening of 13 November, four gunshots shattered the silence of India’s Manas National Park. The forest personnel, though feeling stressed and demoralized by the recent rise in militancy in the region, didn’t hesitate – they rushed in the direction of the gunshots. At the same time, a rhino monitoring team consisting of armed […]
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Protected areas: Bastions against deforestation fronts?
Imagine the GrĂŁo-Pará Ecological Reserve in the Amazon. Part of the world’s largest strictly protected area, the rainforest stretches seemingly forever, echoing with the sound of birds, insects and primates. Rivers tumble down waterfalls on their long, winding journeys to the sea. Then the forest gives way to open land. The trees are gone, the […]
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Guilt-free movie snacks: why demand sustainable palm oil?
It was a cold and rainy Saturday night in Sydney recently and I decided that we would have a family movie night at home. Movie? Check. Snacks? No. As a child we always had chocolate coated honeycomb as a movie treat, so for the first time in years I went searching for some. I couldn’t […]
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